Tag Archives: video

TCC wins the 8th edition of Italian Council

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded with this year’s edition of Italian Council.

Italian Council finances projects of the production, awareness and international circulation of Italian contemporary art according to two lines of intervention: Increasing Public Art Collections (Area 1) and Development of talents and international promotion of artists, curators and critics (Area 2).

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Talking (About) Images, Kunsthalle Graz, May 29th – June 12th 2018


Talking (About) Images
Curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta
May 29th to June 12th 2018
Opening: Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 6 PM

Kunsthalle Graz, Conrad von Hötzendorf Straße 42A, Graz, Austria

After its first stage at Galerija Kortil in Rijeka, the reflection on the role and power of images in contemporary society proposed by Talking (about) images continues in Graz, at the Kunsthalle, from May 29th to June 12th 2018.
The project, curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta for Cultural Inventory, with the support of the Region of Styria, develops through four exhibitions and as many inaugural events with eight artists of various nationalities and different means of expression – The Cool Couple, Severin Hirsch, Kate Howlett-Jones, Neža Knez, Maryam Mohammadi, Nika Rukavina, Alessandro Sambini and Christoph Szalay -, exploring the relationship between images and the reality they represent, the mechanisms that regulate their production and diffusion, the ambiguities that they can generate, but also their potential as a universal and shared language.
In fact, unlike words, images do not require translations to be read by people in different part of the world, being apparently a limitless tool for global communication. Nevertheless, their interpretation is anything but objective: images are intrinsically ambiguous. Due to their power of persuasion, images play a key function in the capitalist and globalised system: they are vehicles for ideology and one of the main weapons in the struggle over an arena of strategic importance today, the collective imaginary.
So Talking (about) Images focuses on images as an autonomous language: as in the participatory project and related installation Imag(in)e Ka-mi- ze by Neža Knez, that employs images as a children’s mean to design a better future; the work Lemmigs by Severin Hirsch, that spurs for an independent use of images and texts conceived as equal symbols; Maryam Mohammadi’s Memories Icon, that explores how images shape personal memories as well as their unconscious visual cultural effects. At the same time, the show reflects on the potentialities and limits of this language, or on its interaction with other means of expression. The work Everyday by The Cool Couple assembles meme GIFs underlying the influence on our existences of “secondary visuality”. In Kate Howlett-Jones’s Pocket Dictionary of the world’s Most Iconic Photographs every image-entry is defined by a poetic text resulting from mixed commentaries


The Fuffy Wipe Case @ The book is on the screen, SPRINT, Milan, Nov. 25-26


curated by Valeria Raho
Saturday 25 ~ Sunday 26.11  |  13.00—20.00
O’~SoundOhm ⟨basement⟩, Via Pastrengo 12, Milan

Video by: NastyNasty©/blisterZine, Roberto Fassone, Fabrizio Vatieri, Sara Benaglia, canecapovolto, Giuseppe De Mattia, Gianluca Marinelli, Rada Kozelj, Discipula, Adriana Monsalve, Lele Marcojanni, Rossella Piccinno, Giulio Squillacciotti, The Cool Couple

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SHORT CIRCUIT #3, OK Corral, Copenhagen

Exhibition opening – 05.05.2017, 5pm
Exhibition continues – 06 – 28.05.2017, Wednesdays to Saturdays, 1 – 5pm
Terminal 3 – OK Corral, Rolighedsvej 9, 1958 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark

Emily Mulenga, Juneau Projects and Antonio Roberts (Birmingham); The Cool Couple, Kensuke Koike and Ryts Monet (Venice); Honey Biba Beckerlee, Johan Knattrup Jensen and David Stjernholm (Copenhagen).

Short Circuit is an ambitious international touring group show devised by British Independent Curator, Aly Grimes, and consists of nine new media artists and collectives in an attempt to re-assess the archetypal framework of a travelling exhibition. It proposes a new experimental model of display realised in three different locations across Europe to include Birmingham, Venice and Copenhagen. The project’s structure aims to investigate new ways that exhibition spaces can present touring shows in the Digital Age and will manifest as a highly experimental research project susceptible to failure. It might glitch, trip, malfunction or ‘short circuit’. Read the full press release here.

2010 – 2015. Notes on Italian Videoart, Biennale del Cortometraggio, Vicenza

2010 – 2015 / Notes on Italian Videoart
4 – 20 aprile 2017

Palazzo Valmarana, Vicenza
A cura di Andrea Bruciati

Artisti: Yuri Ancarani, Elisabetta Benassi, Francesco Bertocco, Rossella Biscotti, Danilo Correale, Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio, Rä di Martino, Irene Dionisio, Roberto Fassone, Anna Franceschini, Stefania Galegati Shines, Riccardo Giacconi, Francesca Grilli, Adelita Husni-Bey, Invernomuto, Davide Mancini Zanchi, Diego Marcon, Orestis Mavroudis, Ruben Montini, Lorenzo Morri, Marco Noris, Adrian Paci, Luigi Presicce, Antonio Rovaldi, Marinella Senatore, The Cool Couple, Luca Trevisani, Driant Zeneli

2010.2015 / notes on italian videoart intende presentare attraverso una selezione di lavori video un panorama esaustivo degli autori della cosiddetta arte in movimento; operanti nella penisola. Il progetto intende colmare un vuoto istituzionale perché la rassegna è concepita come un aggiornamento delle proposte più interessanti formulate nell’ultimo quinquennio. L’iniziativa si riallaccia infatti idealmente al fortunato format videoreport italia; e ha l’obbiettivo di monitorare in tempo reale la produzione di artisti attivi delle ultime generazioni secondo una eterogenea e ricca articolazione di opere.

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