Tag Archives: francesca lazzarini

Emozioni Mondiali, MLZ Art Dep, Trieste, June 1st – 21 September 2019

The Cool Couple. Emozioni Mondiali
A cura di Francesca Lazzarini
June 1 – Semptember 24, 2019
MLZ Art Dep
Via Galatti 14, 34100, Trieste
Opening: Saturday, June 1, 6.30 PM


Cosa hanno in comune il gioco del calcio e il mondo dell’arte? Attorno a questa domanda, il duo The Cool Couple ha sviluppato il progetto Emozioni Mondiali, in mostra dall’1 giugno al 21 settembre 2019 alla galleria MLZ Art Dep di Trieste.
Fulcro dell’installazione è una console che, attraverso una copia di Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 personalizzata dagli artisti, permette di giocare a calcio sfidandosi in una gara davvero particolare. Le venti squadre, tra cui è possibile scegliere, corrispondono infatti a periodi o movimenti della storia dell’arte, ma anche ad attuali importanti manifestazioni – dal Rinascimento a dOCUMENTA (13), passando per Impressionismo, Arte Povera e Post-Internet, solo per citarne alcuni -, mentre i calcatori rappresentano gli artisti che vi appartengono. Ed è così che si può decidere di scendere in campo nei panni di fuoriclasse come Caravaggio, Duchamp, Richter, o affidarsi alla prestanza di atleti più “giovani” come Wael Shawky, Jon Rafman, Zanele Muholi. O ancora brillare della luce di astri dello star system, come Cattelan e Warhol, o puntare sulla genialità di figure fuori dagli schemi, come Mladen Stilinović, Marcel Broodthaers e Santiago Sierra.
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Talking (About) Images, Kunsthalle Graz, May 29th – June 12th 2018


Talking (About) Images
Curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta
May 29th to June 12th 2018
Opening: Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 6 PM

Kunsthalle Graz, Conrad von Hötzendorf Straße 42A, Graz, Austria

After its first stage at Galerija Kortil in Rijeka, the reflection on the role and power of images in contemporary society proposed by Talking (about) images continues in Graz, at the Kunsthalle, from May 29th to June 12th 2018.
The project, curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta for Cultural Inventory, with the support of the Region of Styria, develops through four exhibitions and as many inaugural events with eight artists of various nationalities and different means of expression – The Cool Couple, Severin Hirsch, Kate Howlett-Jones, Neža Knez, Maryam Mohammadi, Nika Rukavina, Alessandro Sambini and Christoph Szalay -, exploring the relationship between images and the reality they represent, the mechanisms that regulate their production and diffusion, the ambiguities that they can generate, but also their potential as a universal and shared language.
In fact, unlike words, images do not require translations to be read by people in different part of the world, being apparently a limitless tool for global communication. Nevertheless, their interpretation is anything but objective: images are intrinsically ambiguous. Due to their power of persuasion, images play a key function in the capitalist and globalised system: they are vehicles for ideology and one of the main weapons in the struggle over an arena of strategic importance today, the collective imaginary.
So Talking (about) Images focuses on images as an autonomous language: as in the participatory project and related installation Imag(in)e Ka-mi- ze by Neža Knez, that employs images as a children’s mean to design a better future; the work Lemmigs by Severin Hirsch, that spurs for an independent use of images and texts conceived as equal symbols; Maryam Mohammadi’s Memories Icon, that explores how images shape personal memories as well as their unconscious visual cultural effects. At the same time, the show reflects on the potentialities and limits of this language, or on its interaction with other means of expression. The work Everyday by The Cool Couple assembles meme GIFs underlying the influence on our existences of “secondary visuality”. In Kate Howlett-Jones’s Pocket Dictionary of the world’s Most Iconic Photographs every image-entry is defined by a poetic text resulting from mixed commentaries


Talking About Images, March 16th – April 6th, 2018, Galerija Kortil, Rijeka

Talking (about) images
March 17th – April 6th, 2017
Galerija Kortil, Rijeka (Croatia)
Curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta
Opening: March 16th, 6.30 PM

Artists: The Cool Couple, Severin Hirsch, Kate Howlett-Jones, Neža Knez, Maryam Mohammadi, Nika Rukavina, Alessandro Sambini and Christoph Szalay.

Talking (about) Images is a collective reflection on the role and power of images in contemporary society, curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta for Cultural Inventory, with the support of the Region of Styria.

Through four exhibitions and as many open laboratories, eight artists of various nationalities and different means of expression explore the relationship between images and the reality they represent, the mechanisms that regulate their production and diffusion, the ambiguities that they can generate, but also their potential as a universal and shared language.

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POIUYT Radio @ Unseen Photography Fair, Amsterdam 21-24 September 2017

Co-Op Unseen Amsterdam
Curated by Lars Willumeit
Location: Transformatorhuis, Klönneplein 1, 1014 DD Amsterdam

We are really happy that POIUYT‘s team will fly to Amsterdam next week! We have been invited to Co-op Unseen, a new section of Unseen Photography Fair gathering different collectives from Europe and the world, whose practices can be traced back to photography. The selected collectives are:  Tendance Floue (FR), RUANG MES 56 (ID), Radical Reversibility (NL), POIUYT (IT), Nepal Picture Library (NP), LIVE WILD (FR), Klara Källström and Thobias Fäldt(SE), Huber Huber (CH), GUSH (BE), DER GREIF (DE), Dead Darlings (NL), Colectivo +1(CO), and Britto Arts Trust (BD).

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POIUYT project launch, Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venice 11 May 2017


POIUYT. The project
Venice, Thursday 11th May 2017 at 12pm
Galleria Michela Rizzo 
Venice, Ex Birreria, Giudecca 800/Q (Vaporetto Stop Palanca)

The 11th of May at 12pm, during an event at Michela Rizzo Gallery, POIUYT will launch its website and the first of a series of publications linked to its activities. POIUYT is a platform for image-based research which aims at spreading a critical attitude towards this key language within the contemporary world through reflection, collective exchange and participation.

POIUYT, which is supported by MLZ Art Dep, Trieste, Michela Rizzo Gallery, Venice and Metronom, Modena, is a collective project developed by curators Francesca Lazzarini and Gaia Tedone together with artists Alessandro Sambini, Discipula and The Cool Couple. The first exhibition Point Zero. Critical practices in contemporary Italian photography, currently on view in the exhibition space in Trieste until the 18th of June 2017, introduces the founding group at the moment when their interests intertwine and their collaboration begins. Although they all come from a background in photography, they share an inclination to push its boundaries. The platform is a response to the urge of starting a collective reflection on the dominant role of images in our networked society and on their political implications.

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POIUYT Punto Zero at MLZ Art Dep, March 18th, 2017

English version below.

POIUYT. Punto Zero. Pratiche critiche nella fotografia contemporanea italiana
Artisti: Discipula, Alessandro Sambini, The Cool Couple
a cura di: Francesca Lazzarini e Gaia Tedone

18 marzo – 18 giugno 2017
MLZ Art Dep
via Galatti 14 Trieste

Inaugurazione: sabato 18 marzo, ore 18.30

POIUYT è una piattaforma di ricerca sulle immagini che si propone di diffondere un’attitudine critica verso questo linguaggio chiave del mondo contemporaneo, attraverso la riflessione, il confronto collettivo e la partecipazione.

Il progetto, supportato da MLZ Art Dep di Trieste, Galleria Michela Rizzo di Venezia e Metronom di Modena, prende il via con la mostra Punto Zero. Pratiche critiche nella fotografia contemporanea italiana, che inaugura nello spazio espositivo triestino il 18 marzo alle ore 18.30.

La mostra presenta il gruppo composto dalle curatrici Francesca Lazzarini e Gaia Tedone e gli artisti Alessandro Sambini, Discipula e The Cool Couple nel momento in cui i loro interessi si intrecciano e la collaborazione ha inizio. Provenienti dal mondo della fotografia ma accomunati da una propensione a espanderne i confini, hanno dato vita alla piattaforma spinti dalla necessità di avviare una riflessione comune sul ruolo preponderante delle immagini nella società in rete e sulla loro valenza politica.

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