We’re glad to be part of UBIF Talks, a series of conversations about contemporary photography in Vicenza, Italy.
Check the full programme here.
We’re glad to be part of UBIF Talks, a series of conversations about contemporary photography in Vicenza, Italy.
Check the full programme here.
Novo Mesto, Slovenia
July 31- August 4, 2019
Artists: The Cool Couple, Container Doxa, Cvetkovic, Mark Farid, Dejmi Hadrovic, Rok Hubodivnik, Michael Kelly, Peter Kolarcik, Thomas Kuijpers, Luca Marcelli, Milika Mijajlovic, Danilo Milovanovic, Mila Panic, Tamara Spalajkovic, Sasa Tatic, Rafal Zajko.
The international festival of contemporary photography Fotopub Festival was founded in 2000 by LokalPatriot Institute and it is based in Novo Mesto, a city in southeastern Slovenia. The festival was originally named the Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography, but from 2014, its focus has shifted from documentary and reportage photography to encompass a wider and conceptual perspective, and the festival itself became a platform for contemporary, not only photographic, arts. Every year it brings together international artists and curators, whose practices are located in the gaps and overlaps of contemporary visual arts, new media and technology.
Talking (About) Images
Curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta
May 29th to June 12th 2018
Opening: Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 6 PM
Kunsthalle Graz, Conrad von Hötzendorf Straße 42A, Graz, Austria
After its first stage at Galerija Kortil in Rijeka, the reflection on the role and power of images in contemporary society proposed by Talking (about) images continues in Graz, at the Kunsthalle, from May 29th to June 12th 2018.
The project, curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta for Cultural Inventory, with the support of the Region of Styria, develops through four exhibitions and as many inaugural events with eight artists of various nationalities and different means of expression – The Cool Couple, Severin Hirsch, Kate Howlett-Jones, Neža Knez, Maryam Mohammadi, Nika Rukavina, Alessandro Sambini and Christoph Szalay -, exploring the relationship between images and the reality they represent, the mechanisms that regulate their production and diffusion, the ambiguities that they can generate, but also their potential as a universal and shared language.
In fact, unlike words, images do not require translations to be read by people in different part of the world, being apparently a limitless tool for global communication. Nevertheless, their interpretation is anything but objective: images are intrinsically ambiguous. Due to their power of persuasion, images play a key function in the capitalist and globalised system: they are vehicles for ideology and one of the main weapons in the struggle over an arena of strategic importance today, the collective imaginary.
So Talking (about) Images focuses on images as an autonomous language: as in the participatory project and related installation Imag(in)e Ka-mi- ze by Neža Knez, that employs images as a children’s mean to design a better future; the work Lemmigs by Severin Hirsch, that spurs for an independent use of images and texts conceived as equal symbols; Maryam Mohammadi’s Memories Icon, that explores how images shape personal memories as well as their unconscious visual cultural effects. At the same time, the show reflects on the potentialities and limits of this language, or on its interaction with other means of expression. The work Everyday by The Cool Couple assembles meme GIFs underlying the influence on our existences of “secondary visuality”. In Kate Howlett-Jones’s Pocket Dictionary of the world’s Most Iconic Photographs every image-entry is defined by a poetic text resulting from mixed commentaries
2010 – 2015 / Notes on Italian Videoart
4 – 20 aprile 2017
Palazzo Valmarana, Vicenza
A cura di Andrea Bruciati
Artisti: Yuri Ancarani, Elisabetta Benassi, Francesco Bertocco, Rossella Biscotti, Danilo Correale, Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio, Rä di Martino, Irene Dionisio, Roberto Fassone, Anna Franceschini, Stefania Galegati Shines, Riccardo Giacconi, Francesca Grilli, Adelita Husni-Bey, Invernomuto, Davide Mancini Zanchi, Diego Marcon, Orestis Mavroudis, Ruben Montini, Lorenzo Morri, Marco Noris, Adrian Paci, Luigi Presicce, Antonio Rovaldi, Marinella Senatore, The Cool Couple, Luca Trevisani, Driant Zeneli
2010.2015 / notes on italian videoart intende presentare attraverso una selezione di lavori video un panorama esaustivo degli autori della cosiddetta arte in movimento; operanti nella penisola. Il progetto intende colmare un vuoto istituzionale perché la rassegna è concepita come un aggiornamento delle proposte più interessanti formulate nell’ultimo quinquennio. L’iniziativa si riallaccia infatti idealmente al fortunato format videoreport italia; e ha l’obbiettivo di monitorare in tempo reale la produzione di artisti attivi delle ultime generazioni secondo una eterogenea e ricca articolazione di opere.
Artists: Fabrizio Bellomo, Christto&Andrew, Martina della Valle, Annabel Elgar, Sanna Kannisto, Taisuke Koyama, Alberto Sinigaglia, The Cool Couple
Opening: April 12th, 2017, 6.30 PM
Duration: April 13th – June 3rd, 2017
Where: METRONOM | viale G. Amendola, 142 Modena
Sarà inaugurata mercoledì 12 aprile 2017, la mostra Antologia, una collettiva che raccoglie lavori di Fabrizio Bellomo, Christto&Andrew, Martina della Valle, Annabel Elgar, Sanna Kannisto, Taisuke Koyama, Alberto Sinigaglia e The Cool Couple (Niccolò Benetton, Simone Santilli) frutto della collaborazione con Alessandro Carrer, Sergio Giusti e Paola Paleari.
Una rilettura, una serie di prelievi dalla recente storia di Metronom che ha presentato, nel corso degli anni di attività, opere e allestimenti inediti di artisti emergenti.
Dadaclub.online: the Exhibition
March 25 to April 15 at Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia
Opening: March 25th, 6 PM
On February 5, 2016 the Link Art Center launched Dadaclub.online, an online archive an creative platform meant to celebrate the dada legacy in the centenary of dada’s birth, that took place in Zurich on February 5, 1916. For a year, Dadaclub.online has been a place for uninterrupted experimentation, promoting the creative reuse of digital copies of original dada artworks. On February 5, 2017, when we stopped publishing updates, the platform offered 148 artworks, and had been visited 248,672 times. Continue reading
English version below.
POIUYT. Punto Zero. Pratiche critiche nella fotografia contemporanea italiana
Artisti: Discipula, Alessandro Sambini, The Cool Couple
a cura di: Francesca Lazzarini e Gaia Tedone
18 marzo – 18 giugno 2017
MLZ Art Dep
via Galatti 14 Trieste
Inaugurazione: sabato 18 marzo, ore 18.30
POIUYT è una piattaforma di ricerca sulle immagini che si propone di diffondere un’attitudine critica verso questo linguaggio chiave del mondo contemporaneo, attraverso la riflessione, il confronto collettivo e la partecipazione.
Il progetto, supportato da MLZ Art Dep di Trieste, Galleria Michela Rizzo di Venezia e Metronom di Modena, prende il via con la mostra Punto Zero. Pratiche critiche nella fotografia contemporanea italiana, che inaugura nello spazio espositivo triestino il 18 marzo alle ore 18.30.
La mostra presenta il gruppo composto dalle curatrici Francesca Lazzarini e Gaia Tedone e gli artisti Alessandro Sambini, Discipula e The Cool Couple nel momento in cui i loro interessi si intrecciano e la collaborazione ha inizio. Provenienti dal mondo della fotografia ma accomunati da una propensione a espanderne i confini, hanno dato vita alla piattaforma spinti dalla necessità di avviare una riflessione comune sul ruolo preponderante delle immagini nella società in rete e sulla loro valenza politica.
27.01.2017 – 30.01.2017
Preview: 26.01.2017, from 12 to 21
Quartiere Fieristico di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
We are pleased to invite you to the 41st edition of Artefiera, from Janaury 27th to 30th. We will be there with MLZ Art Dep, presenting a selection of photographs and sculptures from A Kind of Display. The gallery was selected for the Nueva Vista section, curated by Simone Frangi. Continue reading
FOTOGRAFIA. Festival Internazionale di Roma
21 October 2016 – 8 January 2017
We’re glad to invite you to the XV edition of FOTOGRAFIA – Festival Internazionale di Roma, opening on October 21st at MACRO Musem, Rome.
This year’s edition, curated by Marco Delogu and Alessandro Dandini De Sylva, focuses on the theme Rome and the world, focusing on the manifold relationships between the city and its inhabitants. As in the previous editions of the festival, the board of Rome Commission has invited Italian and international photographers to interpret the theme freely producing site-specific researches. Continue reading
From September 23rd to 25th we will be at Unseen Photography Fair in Amsterdam. You can find us at booth 53, METRONOM gallery, together with works by Sanna Kannisto, Martina della Valle and Alberto Sinigaglia. We will bring there a new selection of works from Approximation to the West, featured in the Premiere section of the fair. We hope to see many of you there: pass by and let’s have a coffee or a drink together!