Tag Archives: rome

Sublimina, 15 Dec. 2016 – 10 Jan. 2017, Museo delle Mura, Rome

Dec. 15, 2016 – Jan. 10, 2017
Museo delle Mura Aureliane
Roma – Via di Porta San Sebastiano, 18

Artists: Liu Bolin, Silvia Camporesi, Calori e Maillard, Loris Cecchini, Giulio Delvè, Luca di Luzio, Kaarina Kaikkonen, H.H. LIM, Eva Marisaldi, Marzia Migliora, Fiamma Montezemolo, Ariel Orozco, Luana Perilli, Alessandro Piangiamore, Pietro Ruffo, The Cool Couple, Glenn Weyant, Marco Maria Zanin.

The Curatorial Collective composed by the students of the sixth edition of the Luiss University Master of Art – First Level University Master, under the guidance of Achille Bonito Oliva (Scientific Responsible of the Master), presents the exhibition SUBLIMINA.

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FOTOGRAFIA. Festival Internazionale di Roma, 21 Oct. 2016 – 8 Jan. 2017

FOTOGRAFIA. Festival Internazionale di Roma
21 October 2016 – 8 January 2017

We’re glad to invite you to the XV edition of FOTOGRAFIA – Festival Internazionale di Roma, opening on October 21st at MACRO Musem, Rome.

This year’s edition, curated by Marco Delogu and Alessandro Dandini De Sylva, focuses on the theme Rome and the world, focusing on the manifold relationships between the city and its inhabitants. As in the previous editions of the festival, the board of Rome Commission has invited Italian and international photographers to interpret the theme freely producing site-specific researches. Continue reading