Tag Archives: rijeka

Talking About Images, March 16th – April 6th, 2018, Galerija Kortil, Rijeka

Talking (about) images
March 17th – April 6th, 2017
Galerija Kortil, Rijeka (Croatia)
Curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta
Opening: March 16th, 6.30 PM

Artists: The Cool Couple, Severin Hirsch, Kate Howlett-Jones, Neža Knez, Maryam Mohammadi, Nika Rukavina, Alessandro Sambini and Christoph Szalay.

Talking (about) Images is a collective reflection on the role and power of images in contemporary society, curated by Francesca Lazzarini and Marta Rovetta for Cultural Inventory, with the support of the Region of Styria.

Through four exhibitions and as many open laboratories, eight artists of various nationalities and different means of expression explore the relationship between images and the reality they represent, the mechanisms that regulate their production and diffusion, the ambiguities that they can generate, but also their potential as a universal and shared language.

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