HAPPY TOGETHER (2020) ft. Francesco Jodice

During the months of lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were invited to give an online lecture about the unprecedented experience of digital spaces forced by the safety measures adopted by many nations in order to contain the spread of the disease. In a few weeks since the beginning of the lockdown, however, we were already bored of online talks on Zoom, Instagram lives, online exhibitions and wanted to address the fact that the lockdown was not only a time of limitations, but of experimentation and discovery. That’s why Francesco and we suggested to do a lecture about the relation between the physical and the digital in Los Santos, the virtual environment of the famous action-adventure videogame Grand Theft Auto V. The performative lecture, curated by ArtsFor and Triennale Milano, consists of a guided tour through the virtual city during which our avatars discuss of the consequences of forced isolation on our perception of places and the gamification of everyday life.

Click here to watch the recording: https://2020.milanodigitalweek.com/happy-together/