Tag Archives: west

ANTOLOGIA, April 13th – June 3rd @ METRONOM


Artists: Fabrizio Bellomo, Christto&Andrew, Martina della Valle, Annabel Elgar, Sanna Kannisto, Taisuke Koyama, Alberto Sinigaglia, The Cool Couple
Opening: April 12th, 2017, 6.30 PM
Duration: April 13th – June 3rd, 2017
Where: METRONOM | viale G. Amendola, 142 Modena

Sarà inaugurata mercoledì 12 aprile 2017, la mostra Antologia, una collettiva che raccoglie lavori di Fabrizio Bellomo, Christto&Andrew, Martina della Valle, Annabel Elgar, Sanna Kannisto, Taisuke Koyama, Alberto Sinigaglia e The Cool Couple (Niccolò Benetton, Simone Santilli) frutto della collaborazione con Alessandro Carrer, Sergio Giusti e Paola Paleari.

Una rilettura, una serie di prelievi dalla recente storia di Metronom che ha presentato, nel corso degli anni di attività, opere e allestimenti inediti di artisti emergenti.

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The Cool Couple wins Euromobil Under 30 Prize at Artefiera


We are extremely happy to be the winners of the 11th edition of Euromobil Under 30 Prize. Euromobil is the main sponsor of Artefiera, the contemporary art fair in Bologna. The prize consists of the purchase of the winning artwork by Euromobil group. The winning artwork is a diptych from the series Approximation to the West, titled: General Krasnov’s Residence, Verzegnis #001 A/B, 2013. It was one of the first images we took during the development of the work and the largest print we have ever done.

Click here for more info (ITA): http://studioesseci.net/eventi/gruppo-euromobil-ad-arte-fiera-2017-con-la-undicesima-edizione-del-premio-gruppo-euromobil-under-30/#cartellaStampa

Sublimina, 15 Dec. 2016 – 10 Jan. 2017, Museo delle Mura, Rome

Dec. 15, 2016 – Jan. 10, 2017
Museo delle Mura Aureliane
Roma – Via di Porta San Sebastiano, 18

Artists: Liu Bolin, Silvia Camporesi, Calori e Maillard, Loris Cecchini, Giulio Delvè, Luca di Luzio, Kaarina Kaikkonen, H.H. LIM, Eva Marisaldi, Marzia Migliora, Fiamma Montezemolo, Ariel Orozco, Luana Perilli, Alessandro Piangiamore, Pietro Ruffo, The Cool Couple, Glenn Weyant, Marco Maria Zanin.

The Curatorial Collective composed by the students of the sixth edition of the Luiss University Master of Art – First Level University Master, under the guidance of Achille Bonito Oliva (Scientific Responsible of the Master), presents the exhibition SUBLIMINA.

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Unseen Photo Fair, Amsterdam, 23-25 Sept.

From September 23rd to 25th we will be at Unseen Photography Fair in Amsterdam. You can find us at booth 53, METRONOM gallery, together with works by Sanna Kannisto, Martina della Valle and Alberto Sinigaglia. We will bring there a new selection of works from Approximation to the West, featured in the Premiere section of the fair. We hope to see many of you there: pass by and let’s have a coffee or a drink together!

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